
Abdul Hannan Majid
3 min readNov 14, 2020


Pic Credit: Pinterest

Patriotism is not a short and frenzied outburst of emotion but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime (Adlai Stevenson II)

Patriotism as everyone knows is the feeling of love, devotion, and sense of attachment to a homeland. It is a positive force. It is for unity, happiness, and service.
Patriotism seeks to serve and add value. When the prevailing systems seek to add value and contribute to the quality of life for all, the display value consistency and integrity. As the focus shifts to getting rather than giving, something significant and meaningful has been lost.
Patriotism responds with justice and fairness for all. Without the courage and character to assure justice and fairness for all, communities fail. When division and polarization undermine unity, it becomes impossible to sustain a unified, connected spirit of patriotism.

Pic Credit: Pinterest

Every one of us as a Pakistani claims that he/she is Patriotic. But the question arises here is that “are we showing Patriotism with our actions?”.
Is Patriotism is only that raising slogans, blocking roads, and deafening firecrackers on 14 August? I am not against these things as these have symbolic value but Patriotism is more than about this. It’s about doing something for the motherland in your capacity.
Every Pakistani is always ready to lay his/her life for the country but what if Pakistan does not need our lives, It needs that we full fill our responsibilities.
We have trained our youth to have a one-dimensional mindset regarding patriotism. It’s about shouting “Pakistan Zindabad” without any consideration for what patriotism truly means.
Patriotism is multidimensional. It’s a mindset of continuous service to the country in both thought and action.
Let’s think about some questions to see how patriotic we are?

1.Do you violate traffic rules by endangering yourself and all around you?
2. Do you throw garbage on the road?
3. Do you stick to your point of view even if you are wrong?
4. Do you not respect other’s point of view if it is against you?
5. Do you spread hate in society?
6. Do you misconduct with your helper in the office and home?
7. Do you show up for work on time and then spend only 1 hour of the 8 hours of the workday working?

We have to think about these questions and if the answer to any of the questions is yes then our meaningless slogans are not contributing to making our country Great. We have to show Patriotism by our actions by the following law and by doing our job honestly.
May Pakistan Prosper!
Long live Pakistan!



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