Abdul Hannan Majid
2 min readAug 3, 2020

“The highest result of education is tolerance."
(Helen Keller)

Tolerance means attitude toward those whose opinions, beliefs and practices are differ from you.
Tolerance is important for peace in society. Due to tolerance people of different personalities, mindsets, backgrounds and beliefs live together in love and peace from which unity comes with a society.

On the other hand intolerance causes hatred, distrust and disunity. Unity is very important for any society to stand because "A house divided cannot stand."
Tolerance does not means to compromise on one’s beliefs. It is means that one adhere to his own beliefs and respect other’s beliefs also. If you disagree with someone than try to convince him\her with arguments not with force. When people fail in arguments than they use force.

Tolerance is a basic principle of Islam. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is ture example of tolerance. He remained tolerant when people teased Him.

In one instance when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was praying at the Kabah one of his adversaries put on his back the intestine of a slaughtered camel during his sajda. The Prophet did not react and stayed in that position. His daughter, Fatima (R.A) , rushed to take the intestine off his back and cleaned him up.

Another example of His tolerance is that a woman threw trash on Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). The prophet never rebuked him. One day, the women did not show up. The Prophet asked about him, and was told that he was sick. So, he went to visit him and inquire about his health with kindness. Upon seeing this, the woman embraced Islam.

Islam teaches to be tolerant and behave with kindness with non muslims.
The Quran says, ‘’Allah does not forbid you that you show kindness and deal justly with those who did not fight you in your religion and did not drive you out from your home."

Islam teaches to be tolerant be it teaches zero tolerance for oppression, injustice and violation of human rights. The purpose of jihad is also to remove oppression and injustice.

Tolerance is need of hour. Tolerance is the knot which binds the society. We must teach our younger generation to respect each other point of view to make peaceful society.

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